2010 Chinese medicine “rise” sound of import and export its characteristics

Subject to domestic Chinese herbal medicine prices of the driving factors, Chinese medicine yinpian export growth by 25.9%, the amount of exports for 509 million dollars, and export average price up 13.4%. Part of the medicinal materials prices continued to rise, but these prices over the volume of medicinal materials appear generally the 30% ~ 40% of atrophy.
As the financial crisis of the haze wanes, the global market for Chinese medicine product demand picking up, our country medicine to speed up the pace of growth of foreign trade, international is in vogue day by day "green regression" concept for China to export Chinese medicine provide rare opportunity of development. In 2010, China's traditional Chinese medicine goods into exports to 2.632 billion us dollars, up 22.74%. Among them, the export volume 1.944 billion us dollars, up 22.78%; Imports to 688 million us dollars, up 22.61%.
A general goes up import and export market
1. The Chinese traditional medicine the products import and export growth, are still common extract main export
In 2010, extract exports to 815 million us dollars, up 17.62%, accounting for 41.92% of the total amount of commodity export Chinese medicine, Chinese traditional medicine is still the main export commodities; Extract to import $130 million, increasing 7.16% and, 18.95% of the total amount of the traditional Chinese medicine merchandise imports. In 2010, Chinese medicine yinpian exports to 776 million us dollars, up 28.07%, traditional Chinese medicine products accounted for 39.89% of total export amount. Traditional Chinese medicine exports to 193 million us dollars, up 18.05%; To import 21.8 billion us dollars, up 23.71%. Traditional Chinese medicine trade since 2008, and has been present deficit lasted until 2010, and the deficit increase amount. Health care products exports to 161 million us dollars, up 32.27%; Imports to 203 million us dollars, up 30.33%, health products import and export commodities trade in Chinese traditional medicine although year-on-year rate of increase, but still present biggest bigger deficit. From 2003 to 2010, health products trade has been deficit (except the 2006 outer), in 2010 the deficit amount to a record $42 million.
2. Chinese medicine exports to the traditional market is given priority to, the asean into new luminescent spot
Japan, Hong Kong, China, the United States and South Korea is still the main export market for traditional Chinese medicine in 2010, export growth by more than 10%. The four market exports account for 48.71% of the whole Chinese exports.
The European Union is the world's largest plant medicine market, and also one of our country exports the main destination of proprietary Chinese medicine. March 31, 2004 the eu "issued by the traditional plant medicine registered program instructions" regulation, all in the eu market sales of plant medicine must be April 30 2011 according to complete registration before new laws and regulations, and to get listed permission. If do not have to carry on the traditional medicine, food, with the registered now health care in the eu market means such as circulation on the traditional Chinese medicine will be banned from sales. In 2010 China eu proprietary Chinese medicine export amount of $12.5238 million, an increase of only 15%, much lower than before a few years China eu medicine exports increased an average of 25%. Although face registered, high cost in small scale, the eu market slowdown in export growth, but part of the traditional Chinese medicine enterprise is not about the eu market, has already started to lose faith related registration, chamber of commerce also urged "in foreign trade development promotion fund" support in the project.
In January 2010, China-asean free trade area agreement China carried out formally, with asean countries of traditional Chinese medicine of goods between tariff greatly reduced. At the same time, customs clearance to be more convenient. Affected by this, in 2010 China traditional Chinese medicine into exports to asean increasing 28.05%, for 422 million dollars, and higher than China import and export growth averaging 6% in traditional Chinese medicine. Among them, the export 337 million us dollars, up 26.97%; Imported 085 million us dollars, up 32.55%, import and export are significantly rapid growth.
Malaysia, Vietnam, and Singapore is my major market. The export of Chinese traditional medicine Malaysia for the import of our country plant extracts is given priority to, Vietnam, in Chinese herbal medicine yinpian import primarily. Singapore with the administration of the registration of proprietary Chinese medicines are perfect regulation, proprietary Chinese medicine market relatively mature, proprietary Chinese medicine has become China's export the main purpose of the asean countries one.